A day at the ocean

A day at the ocean

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Piggies & Cows Time to Eat Big...

Easter morning has always been a good time at the Duncan's.  However, Bug has been on the edge of believing in things like the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and even Santa Claus.  She has been testing them.  I told her she better be careful as I don't think they like to be tested.  They might consider "testing" not believing and then no presents if you don't believe.  This year Bug decided to write a letter to the Easter Bunny right before she went to bed to see if he would bring her what she wanted.

I think we need to do a bit more work at school.

Instead the Easter Bunny brought them both things to play with in the pool.  I think he must know that we will be spending a little bit of time in the water this year.

Bug's basket-  She got some worm thing that she has been bugging me for. 
I told her no and then that Bunny brought it to her.  What a mess.

Little Bug's basket- She got more big eyed animals for her family.  Garrett doesn't understand how it could be comfortable sleeping with 10 animals each night.  I say at least they don't snore like he does.

Not only did the bugs get baskets but that Bunny hide all types of eggs around the apartment.  The eggs had money in them, anything from a dollar to a cent.  Maybe he knew I was trying to be good and I would sneak the bugs chocolate.  I was very appreciative for not having a house full of candy for weeks.  Thanks, Easter Bunny. 

Each of the bugs found over 10 dollars in change in the eggs. 
Little Bug bought a wallet and Bug is saving hers for an ipod or something. 
I can't remember.  Call me Mother of the Year.

We went to Church and they had an Easter Egg Hunt after Mass.  Then home.  I made a big Easter dinner.  I'm not used to only cooking for 4 on Holiday Meals.  Okay, so I'm not used to cooking Holiday Meals at all.  We had Mary's potatoes, green beans, deviled eggs, and a big ham.  I got the smallest one at Walmart but it was still 8 lbs.  I did make Garrett ham and beans with the left overs so he was supper happy. 

Little Bug on the other hand had eaten so much junk from her Easter basket that she was full in a few bites. Then from nowhere she brings out her erasers shaped like a green pig, blue cow, and black/white cow and set them on her plate.  She declared, "Piggies and cows, time to eat big."  We all busted out laughing.  I told her that pigs don't eat ham and she moved one of the cows around to the ham. With a satisfactory, "There".  The piggies and cows had a great dinner.  Sometimes I wonder were it comes from and then I think, maybe I don't want to know.

'Til the next adventure...

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