A day at the ocean

A day at the ocean

Friday, March 30, 2012

Crazy Our Own Way...

St. Patrick's Day in Savannah is what most would call a bit on the crazy side. It is one of the largest St. Patty's Day events in the United States. Last year we went to check out the parade since the girls got out of school for the occasion and it was crazy and fun.  This year we decided to skip the parade because they were projecting over a million people in downtown which both Garrett and I were not really into. We decided to do something we have never done before...

Looking for dolphins in Hilton Head.

This was a pair that we watched for a while.  We never saw any of
their heads but it was fun to see them always close to each other.

When I first saw their tales, I shouted, "They really do exists!"
What I meant to add was "in the wild."

The Bugs were really excited to have a fun day with Mom & Dad.  We didn't tell them what we were doing all day.  First was a trip to the pool.  Crazy to go swimming on March 17th in an outdoor pool but we did and it wasn't too bad.  Then off to Hilton Head for some shopping and dinner. Finally we headed to the dock where we went on a sunset cruse in the channel that separates the island from the main land and then out to the Atlantic Ocean.

Bug checking out the scenery and looking for dolphins.

Little Bug looking out for more dolphins and birds on the way back to the dock.

We finished off the day with catching a sting ray from the boat and releasing it back to the ocean and real ice cream on waffle cones. 

Not your typical Savannah St. Patrick's Day but crazy in it's own way.

'Til our next adventure...

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