A day at the ocean

A day at the ocean

Friday, February 24, 2012

Oh What A Day! I Miss Home!

So, it is windy and 81 degrees here to day and as I put on my tank top and flips this morning (Yes, shorts, too, don't worry) and walked Little Bug to the bus, I realized how much I missed Kansas.  It is never windy here except maybe a tiny bit at the beach and  today really reminded me of a early day in May.  You can smell the rain in the air and I just washed both cars so I know it will ran this afternoon.

It made me think how I get so wrapped up in making Holidays soo special when really it should be everyday that is special.  I have so many loving friends and family and I never take the time to really see how they are.  A note here or a cute email there but I really don't take the time to say, "Hay, how the hell are you?"  Let's chit, chat. 

I do like to make special days a little more special and I think that I will keep doing that, too.  We did have a great Valentine's Day.  Cupcakes, pancakes and even a little gift to say, Whoo Loves You.

Dessert after dinner...

You can't go wrong when you start off the day with
 pink, heart-shaped pancakes and turkey sausage.

A little gift to wrap up the night so no matter how the day
 went you still know that someone loves you every much!

And in return, just what every mother hopes and dreams for is love from your little bugs.  This is the love I get...

"What is this, will it make me poop pink?"

A little joke to let me know she cut my heart-shaped pancake in two. 
I do love the little notes and misspellings I get from the bugs.  It makes me laugh.

What a flattering picture of Bug at breakfast.  I know she will truly
love me forever when she sees this.  We do have to teach humility. 
It is every parents job.

Garrett and I went out to a steak dinner and to see One For the Money the weekend before and I did get roses.  But we weren't talking to each other at that point because I was stressed about surgery the next day and the house buying and he was too so it was a not so typically Valentine's Day for us.  But my new motto is "Life is NOT Perfect. It is REAL" 

'Til the next adventure...

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