A day at the ocean

A day at the ocean

Sunday, August 7, 2011

41 Years?

Could my parents really have been married for 41 year?  I guess so.  When I was little I remember all the crazy stories of them growing up, dating and their time at KU. Hippie House or not.  How hard it was when they started out trying to finish school, get through basic training and starting a family. Then I look at where they are now with 4 kids, 2 son-in-laws, 1 daughter-in-law (thank God because I don't know who could put up with my brother) and 8 beautiful grandchildren.

My mom told me something that I find to be really true.  "Days are long but years are short". Sometimes I can't wait for the day to be over and the Bugs and Garrett to be tucked safely in bed and I have my quite time to do things like blog or wrap presents, whatever. Then days go by and I catch pictures of my Bugs when they were little and I wonder where did the time go? 

I have always admired my parents and their ability to love, to give and to communicate with each other.  I know that things for them have changed as they have grown from this...

Nana & Papa at around 20 or 21.  Who knows but I have always loved this picture.  My dad's glasses rock and Mom's hair is awesome.  I have a picture of Garrett and I around the same age and I wonder if the Bugs will like it as much as I like this one.  

To this...

I guess that sometimes you just have to "get the umbrella" for your spouse to help make the marriage work.  I look up to my parents and I hope that if I follow my moms advise of "Pick your battles" that Garrett and I will have as many years of a happy marriage. 

Happy 41st Anniversary and we wish you many more to come.  Just don't fall asleep in the parking lot and miss your movie.

'Til the next adventure...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Lynn but remember we have nine grandchildren, 4 children, and three wonderful spouses who are all very precious to us!
