"Little Bug, don't jump off your bed!"
"I KNOW!!!"
"Little Bug, flush the toilet."
"I KNOW!!"
"Little Bug, be careful when you shut the shower curtain. It can rip."
"I KNOW!!"
New shower curtain.
So the question that I beg to ask is if we KNOW then why do we still jump of the bed, not flush the toilet and even rip the shower curtain so I have to replace it the next day.
The fun part is that when Bridget and Melissa were here they even picked up on the "I KNOW" syndrome. In fact. I think it might just have the beginnings of the new catch phase. Just make sure to add the attitude with it. I know you can.
'Til the next adventure...
Your younger sister says "I know" all the time too! It must run in the family. Lucky us.