The dinner table conversation was quite funny tonight. First Little Bug had to tell us why her behavior caterpillar was moved down from a 3 to a 2. You see Michael was playing teeter- totter with his pencil, pencil grip and the lip chap, Michael sent the pencil grip flying across the room and Little Bug went to get it and give it back to Michael as a nice thing to do but Michael came and attacked her and the next thing you know, they are wrestling on the floor in the classroom. Ms. W said to move her caterpillar and would not even LISTEN to the explanation. Little Bug was "just trying to be nice". I am so sure.
Bug is a different story, we went to pick her up from school and she got in the car and before the door could shut... it was like a bomb had gone off. "Man, I have been holding that in all day!" She would hate me if she knew that I was putting this on the blog but everybody farts. My favorite part of the story was later we were talking about how she was feeling because we took her off of all her meds to see if her gastritis would come back. (the doctor decided it would be a good idea, i just did not deside for everyone.) "I have had pain in my tummy today, but I think that is from me holding in the farts." You think?
'Til the next adventure
oh, Lynn! :-)