A day at the ocean

A day at the ocean

Monday, February 28, 2011

A Herd of Horses?

Well, we may have run the downstairs neighbors off.  You see, we have not seen them for about three days and yesterday there was a note on the door of their apartment from the office "that it did not matter... just let them know... I am sure we can work something out..." (Couldn't read it all since it was shoved in the door frame.)

72 hours before the note...

Ding Dong... Downstairs neighbor with a thick southern accent "It sounds like a herd of horses up there."
Sorry about that, we will work on that.

144 hours before the note...

Ding Dong... Downstairs neighbor with a thick southern accent "Can you quiet it down... it is really loud downstairs"  Sorry about that.  We will get the girls to settle down.

168 hours before the note...

Ding Dong... Downstairs neighbor with a thick southern accent "Good Day, Sir, sorry to bother you, but is there any way you might be able to quiet down." Sorry,  we are getting the girls ready for bed, we will be quiet.

So, we had walking lessons today after church.  Garrett taught all of us stompers how to walk quietly.  Hopefully that will help. But I am not holding my breath.  We are loud.  Always have been as I am sure some of you know.  But we will try. 

'Til the next adventure...

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Some Times You Just Need Hobby Lobby...

Yesterday I finished the taxes and I even had to do both Kansas and Georgia.  I was so proud that I got them done before March.  (I hope I beat Dad but I don't know.  I always race with him about getting my taxes done first but I don't think that he races with be.  He always has his President's Day appointment with his accountant since I was a little girl). Taxes DONE! It was a day for a treat.

Bug had a friend over to play and we decided to road trip to the Hobby Lobby.  Ms. V's mom told us there was a Hobby Lobby in Statesboro, GA about 30 mins. away.  It was more like 45 to 60 mins. away but it was so nice to walk into Hobby Lobby.  It was just like home.  'Crapbooking in the left back corner and all.  They even had a Starbuck's down the street.  I don't know how often I will drive a total of 2 hours to go to Hobby Lobby but it was a nice little adventure and I got to find out more about middle school then I really wanted. 

I was deemed a "Cool Mom" by Bug's friend I found out later that night.  I told Bug that was cool but I don't expect to always be the "Cool Mom" since it is not really my job until she is 33.  Then Bug and Little Bug and can have a "Cool Mom" just like I do!

'Til the next adventure...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Oh, Killer...

One of the few places that we frequent that is completely and totally free and only five minutes away is the public library.  Since Bug and Little Bug have been reading a lot lately and I really don't like to buy books unless I know I will read them over and over, we have been visiting the library about every two weeks. 

They do have this program on the last Wednesday of the month where therapy dogs and their handlers come to the children's room and the kids can read to the dogs.  They call it Dog Days.  Little Bug loves it.  Her favorite puppy is Killer. 

Little Bug with Killer!

Oh, by the way I am not a bad mom with the shorts and tank top.  It was 80 degrees yesterday and humid so we broke it out for fun to say we can wear tanks and shorts in February. Can Ya All say that?

Til' the next adventure...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Scavenging Savannah?

We have been waiting for a weekend that all four of us were well and the weather was beautiful.  We finally got it this weekend. It was beautiful so we ventured into down town Savannah.  You see for Christmas, we received a Scavenger Hunt Tour of Savannah from Aunt C.  The Bugs have been dying to use it. 

We walked and picked up our tour book.  (One thing the Savannah is not famous for it parking) Then Little Bug decided that she was starving so we stopped to eat at this great little burger joint.  They have awesome burgers all kinds and they are names after streets in Savannah.  I got a grilled shrimp salad.  (trying to be good,  I would not recommend it... go with the burgers).

The Bugs picked the Garden Tour so we were off.  We had to find 9 historic spots and then figure out the clue.  We divided responsibility.  Little Bug and Garrett were in charge of the map.  As Bug put it "Two control freaks in charge of the map." My answer to that is what else can you do in a family of four control freaks. Bug was in charge of figuring out the clue.  Little Bug was in charge of writing it down.  I was in charge of reading the plaque and Garrett was in charge of taking pictures.  It worked fine until Bug got jealous because Little Bug always had the map.  So, we had to switch but it all worked out in the end. 

Looking for the next clue.

 Posing at the Firefighter Memorial.  Got to look good for the firefighters.

In front of the famous Mercer- Williams House from Midnight of the Garden of Good and Evil.

And my favorite spot of the tour was a bit odd.  I guess it makes since, since I am a bit odd.  Garrett looked a bit weird taking a picture of the sidewalk but I had to have it!  I mean I have my own little spot in Savannah.

I Love Lynn!  What more can I say.

'Til the next adventure...

Georgia 3, Lynn 0, Garrett 1...

Yes-  I am a chicken.  I made Garrett come with me to get the tags.  I did all the paperwork, purchased the insurance, collected the information and I even put it in a labeled folder as not to lose it.  I then handed it to Garrett and explained everything to him.  I stood in the back watching the girls and when it was time to sign, I jetted up there signed and then we were off.  It only took about 30 minutes.  So I would claim it as small victory. 

'Til the next adventure

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Boys Down Here...

So Bug informed me that all the boys down here are weird and that Justin Beiber is their hero.  I will say I have seen more Beiber Mania here then I did in Kansas.  But I will let you see Bug and her impression.  She is a very funny lady and keeps me smiling.

'Til the next adventure...

Keep Smilin'.  We are.

Really Garrett...

I was just informed from my loving husband that I am behind in my blog.  Really? I have been spending time with our children and enjoying the spring weather, not allowed apparently.  So, I guess I better get everything caught up before I get fired from my job.  Oh, wait I don't have one. 

'Til the next adventure...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

KU Really...

When Bug and I were shopping we decided to stop by Old Navy and see if they had their swimsuits out yet and we were in shock to find this...

It was right next to the Strawberry Shortcake and the Smurf t-shirts.  I guess for Grandma Georgia, Papa, TO and TW, KU must be classified in the oldies but goodies.  Crazy to find a bit of home in Georgia in the weirdest places. 

'Til the next adventure...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Speaking of New Adventures...

Little Bug has been reading like a mad women.  She wants to get to 100% of her AR goal first in the class.  So, she has been reading everything she can.  Yesterday she came home with this...

You see she has had a little crush on a young man that I worked with at the Zoo.  At Christmas time last year, he told Little Bug that he was going to become Jewish and celebrate Hanukkah.  So she wanted to see what Hanukkah was to see if she was willing to become Jewish too.  She liked Christmas better but the several days of presents did make her wonder... Thanks, TO!

'Til the next adventure...

PS- Notice the new hair,  the humidity was not nice to striaght, fine hair.  So we had to go back to bangs.  So much for the two years of growing them out.  Oh well, at least we can see her eyes now.

State of Georgia 3, Lynn 0...

Overly nice woman who made me wait 2 hours and then proceeded to tell my that my number had been called 3 times and then made me cry for my Drivers Licence picture-
GA 1, Lynn 0

Four hour wait at the scary Unemployment Office that I was overdressed for in my jeans and t-shirt to fill out paper work that I already had turned in.-
GA 1, Lynn 0

Speeding ticket of a 63 in a 45 because there are no speed limit signs posted anywhere.-
GA 1, Lynn 0

Rematch- Tag Office- Valentine's Day- Underdog to WIN

'Til the next adventure...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Some Things Were Flying Today...

The dinner table conversation was quite funny tonight.  First Little Bug had to tell us why her behavior caterpillar was moved down from a 3 to a 2.  You see Michael was playing teeter- totter with his pencil, pencil grip and the lip chap, Michael sent the pencil grip flying across the room and Little Bug went to get it and give it back to Michael as a nice thing to do but Michael came and attacked her and the next thing you know, they are wrestling on the floor in the classroom.  Ms. W said to move her caterpillar and would not even LISTEN to the explanation.  Little Bug was "just trying to be nice". I am so sure.

Bug is a different story,  we went to pick her up from school and she got in the car and before the door could shut... it was like a bomb had gone off.  "Man, I have been holding that in all day!"  She would hate me if she knew that I was putting this on the blog but everybody farts. My favorite part of the story was later we were talking about how she was feeling because we took her off of all her meds to see if her gastritis would come back. (the doctor decided it would be a good idea, i just did not deside for everyone.)  "I have had pain in my tummy today, but I think that is from me holding in the farts."  You think?  

'Til the next adventure

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chips & Jesus

I went in to tuck in Little Bug and there were chip crumbs on her night stand by the little Nativity set she got for Christmas from her teacher at her last school.  "Don't touch the chips on Jesus, they are the sparkly stars" whispered Little Bug.  So what do you say to that.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Sick Bugs...

Little Bug has been sick since Sunday.  We have been running a fever, sore throat and "an exploding head" She did not even make it off the couch when Little Ms. V (I can never remember is it is Victoria or Veronica so we will go with Ms. V) came over to play since it was so nice outside.  So off to the doctors today, hopfully they can get us in.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Let Go, Yeah Right...

Last weekend, the family went on an adventure to the Jacksonville Zoo.  We have some friends from high school that live in Florida and the Jacksonville Zoo was a half way meeting point.  Plus, we always check out the Zoo were ever we visit.  It is just our thing.  Well we were there for a few minutes waiting for our friends and what did I do? 

They have taxation without representation but it is spun in a very nice way.

Yes-  I took pictures of the prices

Turnstiles and a holding pen for guests, how fun!

Garrett just laughed that I timed how long it took us to go through and the fact that we stood in the wrong line as it was not clearly marked on where to go.  Don't even get me started on the membership processing line. 

Thank goodness that the Bugs were there to take pictures of the animals. Garrett and I were so busy talking that I did not see very many animals at all.  We have to go back just to see the animals.  

According to Bug, they have a small but AWESOME snake collection including a Gabon viper, a green mamba and the biggest snake she has ever seen... (TW scroll fast)

  Don't have any idea what this was but Bug was so excited about it. 

Little Bug was very busy being the social director and tour guide. She informed us on many different facts about the animals that she had learned from someone.  Not mentioning names but there was a bit of "Stuff like that".  She and one of our friends daughters were in charge of the map.  She had to point us to the correct location many times.  I had to push past the playground without them noticing, but since we were able to ride the carousal, they were easy to distract.  I was surprised to see...

Okapi.  This one is named Isaac after Little Bug's webkinz because it is a baby according to Little Bug. 

We did have a very fun day.  I can't get over the weather here though.  It is like late April or May here in Feb.  It is really playing with my mind but it doesn't take much. 

I really do enjoy zoos and look at things differently when visiting because of spending almost 10 years employed by one.  I think that there will always be a part of me that times the lines and checks out the signage but I can still let go, at least I will pretend.

'Til our next adventure.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Temper Tantrum Turtle...

Oh, I  meant Temper Tantrum Tuesday!  So I think that Tuesdays are the new melt down day for the Duncan's.  We were late for everything this morning because no one (but Garrett) wanted to do what they needed to do.  Little Bug was the first to have a break down because the girls at school don't like penguins and she doesn't want to be around people who don't like penguins.  Translation... I am new to school and even though I am starting to fit in, I am not in charge and I don't like it. So, the solution was she got to take her lunch today with cut up strawberries and shortbread cookies and a love note from Mom on her napkin.  Mom didn't have time to get ready.

Then there was Bug... she decided that since Little Bug got to have snuggles to wipe away the tears and be late to school, it was time to find the spray bottle and take things into her own hands.

We finally left at 7:35 for school that starts at 7:45 and is 15 minutes away, so I had to go sign her into school and I was not ready for that so in I marched in flip flops, PJ's and my jacket to hide the fact that I did not have a bra on. (Sorry Mom)

One stop down, two to go!

What do I say about my preteen, hormonal Bug who misses her BFF. The tears started rolling as soon as we left the parking lot from Little Bugs school and did not end until negations took place in the parking lot at the Middle School after school had started. Yes, once again I marched into school in my flip flops, PJ's and my jacket to hide the fact that I did not have a bra on. (Sorry Mom). We have a trip planned for the mall just the two of us this weekend for boots.  Wish us luck.

Two down, one to go!

Yes, even I had somewhere to be today... the doctors at 9. No big deal on a normal day but seeing as I was still in my PJ's and 15 minutes away from the apartment, another 15 minutes way from the doctor and it was 8:30.  PROBLEM.

It is a good think that I am a no frills kind of lady.  I got showered, dressed and to the doctors with no speeding ticket by 8:55.  So I was only a bit in trouble... first appointment means tons of paperwork.
My breakdown came when I got on the scale and saw that I had gained back 2 of the 5 pounds that I had lost and the tears just started flowing.

The nurse was so cute and as she was able to justify for me that I had jeans on and she was sure that my purse had to weigh over 2 lbs.  I think it was all of the morning just coming down.  So, I got my medicine for my sinus infection and scheduled my PAP.  I just can't wait.  Just keep your head down and your spirits high as my boss used to say.

As a side note, Little Bug just informed me that Stanley lives in the same apartment complex and is going to stop by later today.  I think that will be Garrett's time for a break down.

'Til the next adventure.