A day at the ocean

A day at the ocean

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Tradition Continues Once Again...

The Fritz Bowling Invitational is one  of my family traditions that has grown over the years.  When I was younger, much younger say 12ish, my mom and dad were tiring to find fun things that we could all do together on Christmas Day.  They wanted to spend the day as a family with out all the bitchin' "Why can't I go play with my friends, just cause its Christmas", "I am so bored", even after they spent hundreds of dollars on presents we would be our ungrateful selves.

After a little bit of research, Mom found out that the movie theater and the bowling alley were both open on Christmas Day.  So we started going to a movie and then bowling.  After a couple of years other Fritz families were invited to come with us.  After a while, we could never agree on a movie that everyone wanted to see so we focused on bowling.

Eleven years ago, my brother-in-law, Jamie, decided it would be a funny gift to give my dad a trophy and hence the Fritz Bowling Invitational was born...

The original trophy (right) and the new addition (left)
 since we have out grown the original.

 Bug resting between frames.  Nana in the background is helping
all the little ones at bumper bowling. She has claimed this as a new
job so she doesn't have to bowl anymore.

Little Bug enjoying the thrill of a great ball.

If you are lucky enough to be invited to participate in the Invitational, we get two see quite a spectrum of bowling techniques... there is the "Single Hop" by Jerry Fritz, the "Special Squat" by Lora Fritz, the "Tip-Toe Ballerina" by Lynn Duncan and you can't for get the "Super Spin" by Ryan Fritz.  Now don't think you have to be a perfect bowler by any means, for the two game series the top score was by David Conner with a 402 and I don't even know what the winning low is I guess I will have to look next year.

The winner does get to have their name engraved on the trophy and keep it for a year until it is needed next Christmas.  This year was a repeat with Little Bro, Ryan bringing it home once again!

Uncle Ryan won again for a repeat.  He is striving for a 5 peat. 
We will just have to see how that goes!

Great Job!

'Til the next adventure...

Friday, December 9, 2011

I Can Hear It Now...

I figured that I better give some of my loving friends and family a bit of time to adjust to the fact that...

I got a new tattoo.

I love it.  It is on my right shoulder blade and is a bit more visible then my other tattoo since I wear a lot of tanks. but it can be covered up if I need to and I don't see many strapless or spaghetti strap dresses in my future. Garrett just shook his head as he does more often now.

My friend Traci at the apartments helped me by coming up with a design that looked like this...

I really like it. The only thing that it was missing was my loops in my "L" which then got me thinking.  I wanted something that was a bit more classic but still represented me and my Bugs. I kept the vines that tie us together but lost the flowers as I did not want it to be so busy. I am thinking about adding a honeybee for Garrett but I haven't decided on that yet. It would sit right on top of the loop protecting us. Charlie, Ms. Sarah's husband is a tattoo artist on the side so he did it for me.  I really do love it.

I might have messed up a bit because I told Garrett he could get a motercycle if he got a tattoo. He just gave me the big onery smile that shows his dimple.  It could be a long summer next summer. 

'Til the next adventure...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Let me just say...

The Bugs need nothing. But since I got the request of what the Bugs wanted for Christmas, I decided to post their lists as I got them misspellings and all.

Little Bug
  • Easy Bake
  • Jewelry Boutique
  • Littlest pet shop
  • Monster High (dance of the down)
  • xbox 360
  • wii Wipeout (game)
  • Ipod touch
  • Lap top
  • Speed staks
Note- She did say "I didn't put my Zoo Pal on the list cause I know Grandma Georgia always gets that for me.  If she doesn't know- I want an okapi this year."

I do love the ( ) to help clarify what she really wants.  Garrett and I did not get her one thing off the list as I was done shopping when I got the list. No, she doesn't have high hopes for Christmas. 

  • JC Penny Gift Card
  • Hobby Lobby Gift Card
  • Gaboon Viper Zoo Pal- but I don't think they have that one since my mom made the list limited. If not, I'll keep Moose. {King Cobra}
Note- Bug said, "Don't know what else.  I have to try stuff on cause I'm shaped weird so I guess we have to do gift cards."

Note 2- Bug could not think of much but somethings she always asks me to buy for her are below...
  • The new Diary of a Wimpy Kid book- Cabin Fever
  • The 39 Clue Books - Vespers Rising, The Medusa Plot, The King's Ransom
  • N.E.R.D.S. by Michael Buckley
  • Middle School- The Worst Years of My Life by James Patterson
  • Duck Tape in colors- Black, White, Skulls
  • Wii Games
  • Board Games (mostly trivia)
  • DSI Games
Hope that helps...

'Til the next adventure...

Always to the extreme...

One of the things that I have really started to understand about myself is that I am an extreme person.  I am sure you are glad to be sitting down as I know that might have really blown a lot of you off your feet. But I never really see myself as extreme until I start to really look at the things that I do. 

I can't just bake a cupcake, it has to be beautiful with the icing in a fun swirl and matching liner and sprinkles.  I can't just scrapbook, I have to have every kind of tool and every color paper but don't use it because you don't know when you will need it.  I can't just exercise, I have to go to the gym six days a week.  I have to swim a mile in open water, I have to run a 5K.  I can't just clean, it has to be perfect.  Everything in it's place, it has to smell clean, a mixture of Pine Sol and bleach.  I can't just put clothes away, it has to be color coated and categorized. 

This was the scene this weekend at our house.  I was tired of feeling like I was doing everything so since we did not have soccer, run club, boot camp or anything I figured we can just all clean together like we did in Wichita and then the Bugs would have to work, too.  I have gotten bad about not making them help but I know they need to or they will take it all for granted.

So, we slept in and then Garrett made breakfast and I turned off the TV at 11 for everyone to get to work.  We paired off.  Little Bug with Garrett, as I did not have the patience to deal with a procrastinator, and Bug with me.  Bug and I took the hard rooms;  kitchen, both bathrooms, Bug's room and living room.  This left the loafers to the dining room, Little Bug's room and our room.  I even took all floors.  Everything to the extreme.  There was a lot of bitchin' but not by me. I just worked and yelled.  Same ol', same ol' until...

I had a bit of an accident with the mop handle crashing into the pendent light over the sink sending glass flying into my face.  Lucky, I only got cut on my chin but man, can it bleed.  Bug goes "Mom, you have an upside down chicken footprint on your face!" What is with her and chickens?

Not too bad, but here is the close up...

It matches the cold sore on my lip that I was tring to
hide with lipstick and the lovely snot in my nose.

'Til the next adventure...

PS-  I did get my clean house after two breaks and piano lessons.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Why Do I Always Pick Smartass Friends?

Well, I have been getting a bit of back lash since my blog has not been up to date but I really had a reason for not keeping up with it and it started when Mr. Isaiah came down with Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease.  You see it was not so long ago that I was a working mother and I hated feeling torn between work and home when I had sick kids.  In fact, I cryed on my way to work many times when my kids were sick and I wanted to stay with them. 

Garrett was really pretty good about sharing the sick time with me but even when he was home with them, I wanted to be there. So, I have this soft spot for working moms with sick kids. 

I did a bit of research on the contagiousness of Hand, Foot, and Mouth and found that it was most common in children under 10. Confident with my information from the CDC I offered to watch Mr. Isaiah while Sarah worked.  We were good.  Had fun watching movies and playing while the Bugs were at school.  Just as Isaiah was feeling better and off to preschool, Bug and Little Bug started not feeling well and sure enough they both got Hand, Foot, and Mouth. 

Little Bug was only down for a day with a few blisters in her mouth and I was not really sure that she had it... denial is not just a river in Egypt.  So, Garrett and I let her go to her soccer tournament out of town and Bug did not want to go... Bug stayed with the Black's until we got back since it was a long day. We ended up exposing the whole team soccer team to Hand, Foot, and Mouth because half way through the tournament, Little Bug came to me and told me that her hands hurt and her feet hurt. Sure enough we had new blisters all over them.  I felt so bad.  There went Mother-of-the-Year and I was so close this year.

Back in Rincon, Bug was just starting to feel bad and just watched movies and lied around waiting for us to get back.  When we all got home and in bed that night, Bug came to me and said "My mouth hurts"  what do you know, she had huge cold sore like blisters all over her mouth.  She ended up missing 6 days of school and the doctor said it was one of the worse cases of mouth blisters she had seen and that was after it was much better. 

I called the Black's the next day and told them what was going on and they just laughed... They did tell me that Bug left her cup at their house and they would wash it and get it back to us.  This is what I got back...

Damn Smart Ass, Dry Sense of Humor Friends...

Anyway since I was taking care of sick kids for 2 and half weeks, I got out of the habit of blogging... well I guess I better get back into it because I miss it.

'Til the next adventure....

P.S.  The Black's never got Hand, Foot, and Mouth...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

I love what you find...

When you down load your photos and videos from the camera.  This just really made me laugh out loud.  We watch Isaiah in the evenings a couple nights a week for an hour or so while Ms. Sarah teaches swim lessons.  Since I was behind on blogging, I am working on organizing my photos and videos into the the right folders and ran across this...

I always wonder what others would think if they dropped by sometime when I am cooking dinner. It is different each and every day.

'Til the next adventure....

Saturday, November 26, 2011

It's Itchy, It doesn't really look like that...

These are some of the things that I hear almost every Halloween and I never get used to it.  This year was a bit different...

First, I had last year off.  Since I had to go to Jamaica with my loving husband and I sent my two children off to my friend's who was celebrating her first Halloween with her own child why not add a couple more in the mix...

Halloween 2010 with the Graham's

The best part is that she still claims me as a friend and will even call, sometimes...

Second, we had no Sue.  For the last nine years, Sue has made the Bugs' costumes.  Then we had to mess that up when we moved 1,200 miles away.  Yes, she did offer to do it long distance but really I could not put her through that. So, we had to settle for Walmart and our leftover parts from years past.

Third, no Halloween Street.  Georgia is a bit different then we were used to with the hoards of people crowding in to the streets of  College Hill. 

Fourth, we had school the next day. You see, November 1 is a Holy Day of Obligation in the Catholic Church and since the Bugs have always gone to Catholic Schools before they have had the day after Halloween to sleep in and recover from the festivities but not this year. 

Even though it was different doesn't mean it was bad. In fact, we had a great time.  The Bugs and I went trick-or-treating with our toddler friends and even went to a Halloween Party.  Okay the party was the day before but we got to practice dressing up, playing games and having craft time. 

Our monster cake pop witch's hat that we took to our Halloween Party. 
Bug not only helped decorate the cake pops but put them in the hat. 
She really did a great job. 

Unfortunately, Paige, one of Little Bug's friends was not feeling up to par and was not able to go trick-or-treating with us but we did have her over for mummy dogs, mac & cheese and vampire blood virgin cocktails.

Little Bug as Draculaura from Monster High.  She has been fascinated with
Monster High since it first came out.  She has always loved playing
vampires so it was a perfect fit even if the wig was itchy. Sass and all.

Little Bug as Draculaura and Paige as Laguna Blue,
also from Monster High.  They were the perfect fit.

Bug was some sort of combination of a diva and a vampire. 
She was most excited about the real looking fangs. 
She was so funny because she had some major picture and I was not getting it.
So, this is what she ended up with. It worked for her and that is all that mattered. 

Bug with her friend, Brooke who was also some kind of crazy vampire...
It was... Blah, Blah, Blah, Blah. 
I guess I should listen better.

We did get to go trick-or-treating with our toddler friends. I think that is the funnest part. Little Bug pulled the wagon and made sure that Anna got in and out safe.  Bug took them up and down the stairs.  It was supper cute.

Notice the older vampires lost their high heel shoes about a block into the adventure.
We even got to bring the Black's dogs.  I always have to have friends with dogs
as I have yet to get a dog of my own. Someday.

Such a good helper.

We all had a great time.  Garrett had to work late due to a deadline so we had to go without him but maybe next year.

'Til the next adventure...

Even if it took over a month to post this one.

Friday, November 25, 2011

So Many Things to be Thankful For...

First of all I am so thankful for my husband.  I know that was not what you were expecting to hear but I really am because without him I would not have many of the other things.  I would have to say that he was really the true start of my venture into adulthood.  I have had so many journeys that he has been with me that I don't ever imagine life without him.  Together we have made a lovely family.

You can't forget my one and only Bug.  Over the last couple of years, I have really gotten to know and respect who my Bug has grown into.  She is so smart and witty that sometimes it annoys me but I know that she does have a bit more of her father in her then people realize.  She has been able to over come many challenges and develop into a very moral and ethical young lady, even with parents like us.

Then Little Bug came along and our world changed for the better and I did not know that was possible.  This huggie, snugglie, Little Bug has always kept us running.  Her high energy and enthusiasm is something that would make me a millionaire if only I knew how to bottle it.

I am so very thankful for my other family, Mom, Dad, Lei, Lora and even Ryan.  I can't forget the loving spouses and children of these siblings that make the new generation of Fritz's.  I didn't really know how much having a great family is important until you see others who don't have it.

Then there is the family that I chose, my friends.  I can't tell you how much you all mean to me.  It takes a long time to really get to know a true friend but when you can go a year, month, or day without talking to them and pick up right back up where you left off you know how very lucky you are to have them.

I'm not really a in your face judgemental person who has to know that you have "found" God but I  feel so thankful the I have a relationship with God. It is not an easy thing and I would have to say it has been the hardest and most fulfilling relationship that I have. I do have to work hard at this relationship because I never really understood praying. If  you have any questions, as a resident Catholic to many of my friends I will do my best to explain it all to you. 

And most important thing that I am thankful is my new

I am a little materialistic.  I know.

'Til the next adventure...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Dinner with the Duncans (Cont.)...

Dinner at the Duncan's can always be an adventure in its self.  When Little Bug takes it under her wing it just gets crazier.  She loves to play waitress and cook and comes up with awards and such.  When I was down loading pictures for a project I was working on, I noticed the video from the summer and had to post because they made me smile. 

We are all feeling better as the Little Bug was out a couple days last week and Bug was out for 6 days.  She is back and hopefully doing well.  We will have to wait to see what happens when she gets home from the bus.  I don't know if she is going to be overwhelmed or not.

I had a bit of a cold this weekend but am feeling better.  I couple hours on the couch and I feel like a new person.

'Til the next adventure...

Dinner with the Duncans at OneTrueMedia.com

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fashback: Big Trip to Indiana

I figured that I would title all the summer travel entries or little memories of the girls growing up that pop in my head as "Flashback". I have a rolling screen on the computer that has all the pictures go by and sometimes I will catch the cutes things. Just a little something to help me keep track of everything. 

We started our "Girls Only Rode Trip" to see Aunt Lei and family in Indiana.  Not only did we have a long trip ahead of us but we wanted to make it fun.  The first day we headed out at 9 a.m. to see where we could get to in one day.  We did not really have a plan, just a map and some books on tape.  We really had an uneventful trip on the first day.  Driving through Atlanta made me a bit nervous so we had to get coffee after. Little Bug wanted us to get at least one state away from Georgia so for her, our goal was at least Kentucky. 

I know that I learned all the states and capitals in school and where they are all located but it really did not hit home that we moved to Georgia until we were driving through states like Tennessee, Kentucky and passing cities that I have always heard of but never thought I would see like Nashville, Chattanooga, Louisville, Indianapolis and a bunch of little town along the way.

We thought about stopping at a zoo or two but Little Bug and Bug were determined to get to the cousins.  We made it all the way to a little town by Mammoth Cave and stopped for the night.  A storm was coming in and I thought it would be fun to go to the cave in the morning.  Off to bed to get ready for the next day ahead...

'Til the next adventure...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

13 Crazy Years...

Well, Garrett and I celebrated our 13th Anniversary this week and I find it so funny to look back and see how we have grown up together.  And yes we do have a ways to go but I think it will be a fun journey.

You see Garrett thinks that I am going through a mid life crisis and I don't know why.  Just because I have dyed my hair crazy colors, swam a mile in the lake, working on running a 5 K, thinking about getting a new tattoo ( It is a L with two ladybugs, but have not decided yet if I am going to do it), and thinking and praying about teaching a class on the Catholic Faith to prisoner at the jail in South Carolina (Need a good excuse to get a good cup of coffee).  No, mom have have not decided to do it yet as Garrett is not so thrilled with the idea.  Now, I know it may look like a little bit of crazy but I am having a great time.

Last night Garrett and I went to the Melting Pot for dinner.  Totally fun and a bit different.  Then we went to Savannah Smiles a Dueling Piano Bar.  It was a blast.  I was dancing and singing in my chair and Garrett was just laughing at me.  I think that might be one of my parts in the marriage is to keep it fresh and add a new layer to our lives.  You see the older we get the more mellow Garrett gets and the more free spirited I get.  Who know where we will end up in another 13 years but I am so glad that I have him to take the journey with me.

'Til the next adventure...

Oh, by the way Garrett and Bug made me a Rosary for my anniversary present.  The thing I like the best, it is missing 3 beads.  My engineer husband miss counted and forgot the 3 little beads at the beginning of the Rosary so one decade is three short.  He says he is going to fix it but I really don't want him to.  That is want makes it fun and unique.  I do have Garrett's long history of good intentions that don't come to fruition working in my favor.  As long as I don't remind him, I might get to keep it the way I have it.  What is 3 little prayers anyway.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Why Do Listen Ears Always Disappear???

I have told Little Bug 4 times to get in the shower since we have been home from the bus... Yet still no shower.  I know as we get older, the listening ears get more selective like  I told Bug to empty the Dishwasher and amazingly she did not hear me.  However, she heard me tell Garrett about some stuff with the house that I was whispering... I tell you what...

'Til the next adventure...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What a Nice Day...

Hey y'all.  So it has been a long time no chat.  You see I have been a bit homesick the last few weeks and have not really wanted to do anything but go home.  I'm not saying I don't like Georgia as we have started to really make a place for ourselves in our little community of Rincon.  But it is not "home" and I don't know if it will be compared to Kansas at least for me.

I know it sounds kind of crazy but I miss working at a totally messed up place.  I miss my wonderful friends and family. The one thing I do know is that my "Peeps" will always be a part of my life no matter what happens in Georgia or Kansas.  I just have to make sure to keep tabs and make an effort.

Today was Garrett's 34th Birthday and for his birthday, he wanted to take a trip to Detroit, MI to visit his friends Noell and Mr. Ly. Yes he still has some.  They had a old man frat weekend with a bit of drinking and a lot of fun. 

He got home yesterday and took today off and it was really a great time.  We took the kids to school, went to workout and the TRX class about killed both of us.  Then we picked up my friend Ms. Kathy who just had a c-section in May and back surgery 4 weeks ago and needs a bit of help to do some things like grocery shopping.  Garrett held and played with the baby while I pushed the cart and kept Anna, the 2 year old and one of Bug's good friends, busy naming colors and fruit while Kathy put all the groceries in the cart.  After we were done and made Anna lunch and got her ready for nap, Garrett and I went to lunch at our favorite Mexican joint. 

The weather was so awesome today.  I love the cooler temps and the sunshine.  We got the girls off the buses and then off to our extracurricular activities, Bug to Ms. Sarah's for a babysitting gig with help from Mom and Little Bug and Dad to soccer.  We had dinner, ice cream cake and a little regular cake because I wanted it. 

Garrett and his ice cream cake.  Anna helped pick out the candles for the cake. 
 I promised her a piece tomorrow.

Bug tring to give Garrett bunny ears,  What a pain.

Little Bug checking out the presents.  Garrett is lucky that she doesn't wear
the same size because she was going to take it.

I really love days like today, we had alone time, friend time, kid time and family time all in one day and never felt over whelmed. I will say Garrett does a good job playing with the babies and little ones, we make the best Aunt and Uncle ever.  (No, I don't have the baby bug. I'm totally content and happy with the way things are in the family department and so is Garrett.)

'Til the next adventure...

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Come on Irene...

Irene was in the area but nothing came of it for us anyway.  I put the Hurricane ready kit in the garage for the next time storms are in the area. We went swimming and watched the clouds circle around the pool.  I was hoping for it to blow away all the crabbiness in the house away.  But no.  The girls lost their pool rights for the week which sucks not only for them but for me.  I like to chill with them at the pool for an hour after school a couple of times a week.  It tires them out and they sleep better.

We have been doing better this week so far.  Hopefully that continues. Les has training with Ms. Sarah today.  She has been working really hard.  I am proud of her.

'Til the next adventure...

Monday, August 15, 2011

Phase 2...

So I have been struggling more than normal about eating right and working out. So, I called in my reinforcements. Drill Sargent Sarah. Tomorrow starts "Phase 2".  I have not been gaining weight by any means I have just been staying the same and I don't want to stay the same.

My weight has always been an issue with me and I go through phases.  Since I moved to Georgia, I have been more honest with myself then ever.  I think that it came from the last flight on the last leg of all my travel adventures in 2010 when I was siting next to Little Bug and I could not get my seat belt buckled.  I was so embarrassed and Little Bug was trying everything to help me out. She wanted me to be safe and that plane was not going to take off with her mom not wearing a seat belt. So I had to ask for an extension. It took everything in me and I was so super, super embarrassed.  Little Bug relaxed because her mom was safe.  I on the other hand was crying inside trying to look so brave on the outside. 

So, I thought and thought about what I needed to do and I made a pledge to myself, no more seat belt extensions. But I have to be honest with myself always.  In January of 2010, I weighed 283.  The sad part is that was down from the heaviest that I had been and could still fit in my size 24 and most of my size 22 clothes. 

Getting ready to go scuba diving in Jamaica.  I almost did not go because I was scared that they would not have a belt that would fit me.  Good thing for my Garrett, he said that we were going to go and to suck it up.  It was my very favorite part of the vacation. Well that and seeing my little bro tie the knot.

So, when we got to Georgia, we joined the YMCA and I started working out.  It sucked.  I hated it.  Every moment but I just keep seeing Little Bugs worried face of me not buckling up. So I endured.  After a month, I had lost about 5 lbs.  but was busting my ass to do so.  I went to the doctor to get my yearly check up and had a bit of a break down in the doctor's office and we put together a plan.

I started a food journal and kept going to the Y.  I have made most of my friends from the Y and I am glad to be a part of it.  I drop the kids off at school and head into the Y for my workouts.  I even worked out over the summer just not as hard.  The girls and I swam even on vacation, did yoga and had a hard time sitting still.  I did not lose very much weight but I was able to meet some goals, I did an open water swim practice of 2000 meters, swam in a swim meet and am flexible enough to paint my toes again.

 Just finished my practice swim at the lake.

The lake in Pooler, GA where we practiced for the open water swim. 
It was beautiful but it ate the enamel off of your teeth.  That's what it felt like anyway.

So, it is time for phase 2.  I need to step back up and keep better track of what I am doing.  However, I am very proud of what I have done so far.  I am at 253 lbs as of yesterday morning and all my size 22 clothes are too big.  I had to go buy some new shorts awhile back and am in a very comfortable size 20 and even a few size 18.

Getting ready to go to the pool.  I sometimes need a check to make sure that I am making progress. 
Not sucking it in either.

I had to fill out some paperwork for Sarah about what I really wanted to accomplish and so I figured that I should share some of my goals with you... don't laugh, some are a bit silly...

  1. I would like to be able to genuflect at church without having to hold on to the pew for balance and to get back up.
  2. I would like to run/ walk a 5K with an focus on running.  I was going to try to do it on Sept. 10 for my friends at the Zoo but... I won't be ready to run it by then just walk, Little Bug has an away soccer game that day, and there is not a race that I know of around here for that day.  I did pick the race I want to do... it is Purple Stride on Nov. 12 at Tybee Island.  It is on the beach at low tide and for Pancreatic Cancer research.  Since Garrett's grandma died of this I think it is a really good fit.
  3. I would like to be able to get out of the pool without using a ladder. 
  4. I would like to lose an additional 50 lbs.
  5. I would like to fit into my black polka dot skirt! Size 16 by Christmas...

So there you have it...

'Til the next adventure...
Pray for me tomorrow that I survive...

Saturday, August 13, 2011

What Have We Done?

I was getting super frustrated and crabby today because I could not get my pictures off of my cell phone.  I tried a month ago and got frustrated after an hour and then quit. So after we went to a friend's birthday party, we went by Verizon to see if they could help.  Next thing you know we have purchased a phone for Bug.

I did finally get all my pictures off of my phone and found many that I had no idea were there.  This is what I found...

All pictures that were taken by Bug when she was bored and sent to friends or family. Something fun for you all to look forward too. I know I am... (Where is that sarcastic font when you need it)

'Til the next adventure...

Friday, August 12, 2011

We Made It...

We just finished our first full week of school with soccer practice in Savannah.  However, it was a little bittersweet. Little Bug was tardie today. We were all so tired this morning and Little Bug would not get up.  So naturally consequences, we were 5 minutes late to school but we were dressed, clean and feed. Today, I was taking what I could get.

Little Bug loves her new teacher Mrs. Blake and has been doing very well on homework and behavior so far this year.  We even got a 5 on our coconut. (Don't really get what that means besides behavior is rated daily on a scale of 1 to 5 with 5 being the best.)  After long discussions and many tears, we are even riding the bus home from school with Ms. Glenda. You see I was being selfish and did not want to sit outside in the hot sun for 30 minutes parked on a highway waiting for her to come out.  After the first day of bus riding everything worked out and now we love it.

First day of 3rd grade.  No we did not need a sweater as it was already
85 degrees out at 7 a.m. but it was new and we "needed" to wear it. 

Bug's first week went pretty well also.  We got the inhaler permission slip in the nurses office for use before PE this year.  Bug was put in the Sopranos for Choir this year and is totally nervous about tring to reach the notes.  We will get it down.  I have no doughts.

And she even made a new "Buddy" who is in ALL her classes and rides the bus home, too.  Oh! Thank goodness for Autumn.  The way Bug describes her is kind of like Earnest from the movies.  I can't wait to see what kind of impressions come from this "Buddy".

Bug ready for the first day of 7th grade.  She is supper stoked about getting to dissect a frog and many other fun things in Science this year and she even has a "Cool" Social Studies teacher. 
I can't wait for the stories. 

Super Girl poses for the next year of school!

'Til the next adventure...

Sunday, August 7, 2011

41 Years?

Could my parents really have been married for 41 year?  I guess so.  When I was little I remember all the crazy stories of them growing up, dating and their time at KU. Hippie House or not.  How hard it was when they started out trying to finish school, get through basic training and starting a family. Then I look at where they are now with 4 kids, 2 son-in-laws, 1 daughter-in-law (thank God because I don't know who could put up with my brother) and 8 beautiful grandchildren.

My mom told me something that I find to be really true.  "Days are long but years are short". Sometimes I can't wait for the day to be over and the Bugs and Garrett to be tucked safely in bed and I have my quite time to do things like blog or wrap presents, whatever. Then days go by and I catch pictures of my Bugs when they were little and I wonder where did the time go? 

I have always admired my parents and their ability to love, to give and to communicate with each other.  I know that things for them have changed as they have grown from this...

Nana & Papa at around 20 or 21.  Who knows but I have always loved this picture.  My dad's glasses rock and Mom's hair is awesome.  I have a picture of Garrett and I around the same age and I wonder if the Bugs will like it as much as I like this one.  

To this...

I guess that sometimes you just have to "get the umbrella" for your spouse to help make the marriage work.  I look up to my parents and I hope that if I follow my moms advise of "Pick your battles" that Garrett and I will have as many years of a happy marriage. 

Happy 41st Anniversary and we wish you many more to come.  Just don't fall asleep in the parking lot and miss your movie.

'Til the next adventure...

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Everyone Needs a Laugh...

Bug  has the ability to listen to different people, take note in her head and impersonate them at a later date.  She can get going and make us all laugh so hard that some of us even pass out or pee our pants.  I'm not naming names because I don't want to admit what I have done. 

Since we have moved down south, Bug has had a bit more material than in the past.  See I know this might come as a shock to most of you but Savannah has a bit more ethnicity than all of Kansas put together.  Here is a little taste of what we have done to send summer out on a good note since school starts in the morning.

But first you need to check out our friend.... Bon Que Que.  And below is Bug and the rest of the gang.  I have not really figured out how to edit so bare with me... and thank Garrett for the great filming job since he was to chicken to be in the film.

After watching my backside for a bit I am glad that I will start Phase 2 in the morning.  Back at the gym in the morning and a little piece and sweat.

'Til the next adventure...

Bug as Bon Que Que at OneTrueMedia.com

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Flashback: "Hey, Fattybread..."

"And I said 'Hey' "

On Summer Vacation this year we went to the Biltmore House in Asheville, North Carolina.  It is this huge house built in 1895 by George Vanderbilt for his family and friends.  Okay, I know Garrett and I have a summer home in Wichita but I don't see us setting it up for y'all like this. 

Side view of the Biltmore.  All the green stuff is a patio with a wisteria cover.

So, I think this is the perfect reading tree... I can just see myself in the backyard at my summer home reading under this tree. This was the view of the backyard of the Biltmore.

You see the estates sits on 125,000 acres of forest, farms and even a dairy. It has 33 bedrooms, 43 bathrooms, 3 kitchens and even an indoor pool.  And don't get me started about the gardens... I loved them.  Bug, Nana, and even Little Bug were all impressed.

The gates to the garden.  You do get to drive through at the end of your visit.

The Walled Garden was planted to have flowering plants all year round. The grounds were designed by the same person who did Central Park in New York, Frederick Law Olmsted.

Little Bug, tired and thirsty needing a break.

My favorite flowers were all the orchids.  They were fabulous.

We ventured through the house and decided to go ahead and spend the extra money and get the audio tour. Totally worth it.  Little Bug was so into seeing and learning all about the Biltmore because of the headphones.  The little stories that were from friends and staff of the Vanderbilt's were the best part. Bug's favorite stories were the ones told with a Southern accent.

One was about a young girl that worked at the house who on her first day she dropped a tray of dishes and Mr. Vanderbilt came and helped pick up all the dishes.  He always remembered her and every time he saw her he would call, "Hey, Fattybread!" because she was a bit on the round side and she would answer "Hey." Bug will go around the house and randomly holler "Hey, Fattybread".

Nana wishing Papa a happy birthday from the Biltmore on a coffee break. 
We let her rest every once in a row.

The bugs and I enjoying a moment in the gardens.  Aren't they cute.

After the tour, we headed into town and had lunch at TGIF's and learned how to make good roasted potatoes from our animated waitress and then on the road again... Because "Aparently, Dolly Parsons is from around here..." at least according to Bug.

'Til the next adventure...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I know this may come as a big surprise to most of you but I have a little problem saying no when asked for help, until now...

I was asked to become a Board Member at the YMCA and I said no.  I love the YMCA but I just want to go and work out and go home.  I don't want to fund raise or think of awesome ideas to raise money at least not for free.  So, I took the plunge and said no thanks.  I am so proud of myself.  This was a big step for me. I like this new found freedom.

'Til the next adventure...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Because I Can...

I always have had a different view of my hair and style.  When I was in the 7th grade, my mom dropped me off at the salon to get a trim and when she picked me up I had cut off over 10 inches.  In high school, I played around with hair dye and rinses to see what I would look like with red hair.  I have always wanted to have red hair and green eyes but there are somethings you can't really change.

Over the years, my hair has been a way for me to change things up.  I could control what I did with my hair and I would take a bit of stress out on my hair.  But this time I was ready for something a bit crazy just because I can...

So it is a bit drastic but I have always wanted to do something totally different and fun but I have had too many responsibilities like a job or a wedding that was coming up.  This is not a hair color I would ever wear to work or in someones wedding.

It is probably something that will last oh, bout a couple of months before I go back to brown.  See my mom and dad, Aunt Patti and Uncle David are coming to visit in September and I don't think I can live through Uncle David's visit and have Radiant Red or Fire Engine Red (as Little Bug calls it) streaks in my hair.

However, Little Bug also got a new style...

Little Bug has had a bit of trouble with her hair in the Georgia humidity and lifestyle.  The chlorine from the pool and the salt from the ocean had taken its toll.  We had dry, slimmy, knotty hair so she decided it was time to go.  Little Bug doesn't really like to mess with her hair so we needed something easy for school.  We only have two weeks left of summer vacation. 

We are starting to get back into the swing of going to bed by 8 and getting up by 9 this week.  Next week in bed by 7:30 for book and up by 7:30.  That way we can be ready to go by 7:15 the next week. She has gotten so many compliments on her hair.  I am a bit worried about soccer but I think we can pull the top in two little piggies to keep it out of her face when she runs.

I have gotten a few compliments but my favorite has been from Ms. Kathy (my friend and yoga teacher) "I don't really like it."  I love her.  You always need to surround yourself with honest people. I have been lucky to find a few who I can always count on to keep me honest.

I like it.  I think I like it because it represents more than just hair.  It gives me a little pick up and a smile when I look in the mirror.  I have taken myself too serious for too long and it represent a bit of freedom.  I also know I won't keep it because it is not really me.  But it is something I am glad I did because I can...

'Til the next adventure...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Different Strokes for Different Folks...

Bug has been working all summer on her swimming for swim team.  Even over vacation.  It has been a bit tiring at times and we have had a few meltdowns along the way but I am so proud of her.  It has really helped her stokes and her self confidence.  She even has made some new friends along the way. 

Bug has never really been much of a sports person and I have really had to push this year about swim team.  It is something that we do together and I even help with coaching.  I love to see her pushing herself.   Her main coach, Ms. Sarah has become one of our good friends.  She is a former Marine Drill Sargent and reminds me a bit of my BFF Bridget.  A little tough and intimidating on the outside but a real softie on the inside.  Bug works extra hard just because she doesn't want to let Ms. Sarah down. 

Bug getting ready to go for her first race.

Swimming 50 meters breast stroke. 

On the home stretch of her 50 meters back stroke.

Bug finishing up her 50 meters of free. 
She also did 2 relays but her parents missed both of them. 

I hope Bug understands that this is really more than swimming laps, it is more about knowing that you can do something that seems hopeless when you put your mind to it and work hard.  I know that she is growing up fast (we even bought hoop earring this weekend) but no mater if she is 2, 12 or 34 she will always be my Bug!

'Til the next adventure...