A day at the ocean

A day at the ocean

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Flashback: "Hey, Fattybread..."

"And I said 'Hey' "

On Summer Vacation this year we went to the Biltmore House in Asheville, North Carolina.  It is this huge house built in 1895 by George Vanderbilt for his family and friends.  Okay, I know Garrett and I have a summer home in Wichita but I don't see us setting it up for y'all like this. 

Side view of the Biltmore.  All the green stuff is a patio with a wisteria cover.

So, I think this is the perfect reading tree... I can just see myself in the backyard at my summer home reading under this tree. This was the view of the backyard of the Biltmore.

You see the estates sits on 125,000 acres of forest, farms and even a dairy. It has 33 bedrooms, 43 bathrooms, 3 kitchens and even an indoor pool.  And don't get me started about the gardens... I loved them.  Bug, Nana, and even Little Bug were all impressed.

The gates to the garden.  You do get to drive through at the end of your visit.

The Walled Garden was planted to have flowering plants all year round. The grounds were designed by the same person who did Central Park in New York, Frederick Law Olmsted.

Little Bug, tired and thirsty needing a break.

My favorite flowers were all the orchids.  They were fabulous.

We ventured through the house and decided to go ahead and spend the extra money and get the audio tour. Totally worth it.  Little Bug was so into seeing and learning all about the Biltmore because of the headphones.  The little stories that were from friends and staff of the Vanderbilt's were the best part. Bug's favorite stories were the ones told with a Southern accent.

One was about a young girl that worked at the house who on her first day she dropped a tray of dishes and Mr. Vanderbilt came and helped pick up all the dishes.  He always remembered her and every time he saw her he would call, "Hey, Fattybread!" because she was a bit on the round side and she would answer "Hey." Bug will go around the house and randomly holler "Hey, Fattybread".

Nana wishing Papa a happy birthday from the Biltmore on a coffee break. 
We let her rest every once in a row.

The bugs and I enjoying a moment in the gardens.  Aren't they cute.

After the tour, we headed into town and had lunch at TGIF's and learned how to make good roasted potatoes from our animated waitress and then on the road again... Because "Aparently, Dolly Parsons is from around here..." at least according to Bug.

'Til the next adventure...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I know this may come as a big surprise to most of you but I have a little problem saying no when asked for help, until now...

I was asked to become a Board Member at the YMCA and I said no.  I love the YMCA but I just want to go and work out and go home.  I don't want to fund raise or think of awesome ideas to raise money at least not for free.  So, I took the plunge and said no thanks.  I am so proud of myself.  This was a big step for me. I like this new found freedom.

'Til the next adventure...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Because I Can...

I always have had a different view of my hair and style.  When I was in the 7th grade, my mom dropped me off at the salon to get a trim and when she picked me up I had cut off over 10 inches.  In high school, I played around with hair dye and rinses to see what I would look like with red hair.  I have always wanted to have red hair and green eyes but there are somethings you can't really change.

Over the years, my hair has been a way for me to change things up.  I could control what I did with my hair and I would take a bit of stress out on my hair.  But this time I was ready for something a bit crazy just because I can...

So it is a bit drastic but I have always wanted to do something totally different and fun but I have had too many responsibilities like a job or a wedding that was coming up.  This is not a hair color I would ever wear to work or in someones wedding.

It is probably something that will last oh, bout a couple of months before I go back to brown.  See my mom and dad, Aunt Patti and Uncle David are coming to visit in September and I don't think I can live through Uncle David's visit and have Radiant Red or Fire Engine Red (as Little Bug calls it) streaks in my hair.

However, Little Bug also got a new style...

Little Bug has had a bit of trouble with her hair in the Georgia humidity and lifestyle.  The chlorine from the pool and the salt from the ocean had taken its toll.  We had dry, slimmy, knotty hair so she decided it was time to go.  Little Bug doesn't really like to mess with her hair so we needed something easy for school.  We only have two weeks left of summer vacation. 

We are starting to get back into the swing of going to bed by 8 and getting up by 9 this week.  Next week in bed by 7:30 for book and up by 7:30.  That way we can be ready to go by 7:15 the next week. She has gotten so many compliments on her hair.  I am a bit worried about soccer but I think we can pull the top in two little piggies to keep it out of her face when she runs.

I have gotten a few compliments but my favorite has been from Ms. Kathy (my friend and yoga teacher) "I don't really like it."  I love her.  You always need to surround yourself with honest people. I have been lucky to find a few who I can always count on to keep me honest.

I like it.  I think I like it because it represents more than just hair.  It gives me a little pick up and a smile when I look in the mirror.  I have taken myself too serious for too long and it represent a bit of freedom.  I also know I won't keep it because it is not really me.  But it is something I am glad I did because I can...

'Til the next adventure...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Different Strokes for Different Folks...

Bug has been working all summer on her swimming for swim team.  Even over vacation.  It has been a bit tiring at times and we have had a few meltdowns along the way but I am so proud of her.  It has really helped her stokes and her self confidence.  She even has made some new friends along the way. 

Bug has never really been much of a sports person and I have really had to push this year about swim team.  It is something that we do together and I even help with coaching.  I love to see her pushing herself.   Her main coach, Ms. Sarah has become one of our good friends.  She is a former Marine Drill Sargent and reminds me a bit of my BFF Bridget.  A little tough and intimidating on the outside but a real softie on the inside.  Bug works extra hard just because she doesn't want to let Ms. Sarah down. 

Bug getting ready to go for her first race.

Swimming 50 meters breast stroke. 

On the home stretch of her 50 meters back stroke.

Bug finishing up her 50 meters of free. 
She also did 2 relays but her parents missed both of them. 

I hope Bug understands that this is really more than swimming laps, it is more about knowing that you can do something that seems hopeless when you put your mind to it and work hard.  I know that she is growing up fast (we even bought hoop earring this weekend) but no mater if she is 2, 12 or 34 she will always be my Bug!

'Til the next adventure...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sun, Sand, Soccer and the Space Shuttle...

First of all I have to apologize to my loving Husband Garrett, I was wrong, you were right.  You see, I have signed up to help with the YMCA Swim Team that Bug is on and I feel like I am not pulling my weight.  I was in charge of the Bake Sale on Saturday at the swim meet and really wanted to stay home and not go to the launch.  I had some things to do and have been traveling a lot lately.  No complaints.  I have been having an awesome time but I really did not think that the shuttle would get to go and I would get to spend another 10 hours in the car with a tired crabby family.  Garrett really wanted to go so I sucked it up. 

We had a great time.  I do think that it is funny because I told the whole family that they were in charge of packing themselves.  This is what I normally do but I also go back and double check.  I was too busy getting my things done for the Bake Sale that I didn't double check.  Little Bug forgot a swimsuit, Bug forgot pj's, Garrett forgot his mouth guard and they all forgot towels even though I reminded them right before we left.  However, Garrett did have beautifully trimmed and filed nails that he did while I was in a small panic tyring to get out the door.  I forgot nothing. 

We got to the beach about 8 a.m. on Friday and played in the surf.  The waves were huge and we all had an awesome time jumping in them.  Garrett and Little Bug played soccer. We read and played in the sand.

It was cloudy but we were hoping that everything would work out.

Stole the ball from Sister.

Relaxing and double checking to make sure we were still on.

Played in the waves.  These were the biggest waves we have seen so far.

You could tell when the time was getting close.  Everyone was facing the north. Waiting.  Waiting. and then we all saw...

Space Shuttle Atlantis Lift Off.

Okay, so this is what we saw...

I know it is not so impressive but I think it was more of the I was there when...

The bugs really did not get the significance I hope they will sometime in the future.  I guess it was more for Garrett and myself and that is okay.  I am sad to say that NASA won't be the same.  Change is hard but it has to happen. 

'Til the next adventure...

PS- The Bake Sale rocked.  We got lots of good comments and made twice the amount of money that we did last year.  Go Stringrays!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sand Dollars, Jelly Fish and Fireworks...

I hope you all had an awesome 4th of July.  After much debate on what to do at the Duncan House we decided to go to the pool.  Real Adventure.  You see the 4th of July has never really been a holiday that I get into.  If you ask Bug, she would tell you that we normally ditch the children at Grandma Georgia's and go out on a date just Garrett and myself.  Well, that is a bit hard to do in the state of Georgia since I did not plan ahead and book airplane tickets.

So time to start a new tradition and off to the pool we went. It was CLOSED. How can the pool be closed? Time for Plan B.  We will try the beach.  Off to Hilton Head we went.

Plan B was awesome.  The weather was great.  A cool breeze off the ocean.  The water was warm and the Bugs and Garrett we able to find Sand Dollars in the water. They decided to save one for Uncle Jamie.

 I think the ended up with a total of 7 before Garrett threatened
them with their lives to leave the rest in the ocean.

We played in the ocean for a couple of hours and then Little Bug started hopping around.  I asked her what was wrong and she got stung my a jelly fish.  I sent her back up to the stuff and to Garrett to sit and rest and rinse it off to see if there were any marks.  I don't know what to do.  I am from Kansas.  We don't have jelly fish there.  So Bug and I went back out and what do you know, she got stung, too. She said it hurt and both her legs were tingling.  So, done with the ocean for today.  I was not going to get stung. Mom did not raise a dumbo here. Little Bug hoped that it was a Moon Jelly that stung her since they change color.  We learned about them at the Georgia Aquarium over the weekend.

We loaded up the car and headed to the Sea Pines Resort to get something to eat and see the fireworks.  It was at this time, that I found out Little Bug did not have her cover up.  She did not bring any clothes for after the beach.  $40 dollars later, a new outfit for Little Bug.  We were walking away from the store and what do you know, her flip flops broke.  Back to the store for me. Let's bring that total up to $50.

I did feel a bit out of place at Sea Pines.  We all had just walked off the beach in our swimsuits and cover ups and everyone next to us was in their Tommy Hilfiger and wedge high heels.  Seriously.  I guess we were just a bunch of crazy locals.  I really am not a high society girl.  When I prepare mentally I can mingle with them, but I always know my place.  We enjoyed a nice dinner and fireworks.

After the show, we caught the trolley bus to our parking lot.  This took the longest time in our journey but everyone waited patiently. Even Garrett. We did not get home until 11:30 and all had to take quick showers. We hit the sheets by 12 ready for a good night sleep. I think that we may have found a new tradition but I will be a little better prepared next year.

'Til the next adventure....

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A Little "Fashion" Never Hurts...

Oh, Little Bug.  As a mother for almost 12 years, you would think that I would know better by now but I don't.  You see Little Bug came and asked me for a white t-shirt and I told her she could get one from Dad's drawer. No biggie.  Then she came and asked me if it was okay to play "Fashion".

I replied "Sure". Should have replied what is "Fashion"?

Then I see her and Victoria going out on the deck with all kinds of white shirts. Then she throws Garrett's Shirt at me and says "I don't need this anymore." 

I did ask "You aren't going to paint those, right."

"No, we aren't going to paint them."

Should have asked "What are you going to do?"

But no.  Did not think that far ahead. So I get this...

"Fashion" on our brand new white tank top.

I just started laughing.  I know that I should have been mad but it is typical Little Bug who is very much like Garrett.  You have to be exact when giving directions because they can think their way around anything to get what they want. No paint, just pen.

'Til our next adventure...

P.S. I will be saving this shirt because it makes me laugh every time I see it.  I guess that is worth the $6.  Don't you think?

Friday, July 1, 2011

It's Been Awhile...

I forgot what summer was like.  I know that sounds silly but I really did.  The last ten years that I was working at the Zoo summer meant work harder.  We were always busier and had to multitask many projects like getting ready for Zoobilee, work a few late nights for Summer Concerts and turn right around and be there bright and early to set up for Wet-N-Wild days.  It was hard and long and we made the best of it.  I miss the fun parts of playing golf cart tag and crazy radio chatter while you waited for the band to clean up.  Then their was the attack of the snuck in the Special Events Shed that has been bequested to my friend Karen. But I really don't miss feeling torn about work and home.  I always felt like I never gave enough to either place.

At home I would try to make sure that the Bugs got to do fun activities; go to the pool,  have friends over, stay up late and get to sleep in.  These were all the things that I got to do as a kid and I had forgotten what it was like over the years until this year.

We have been supper busy doing nothing. And I really like it.  In fact that is why I have not been blogging.  We only have 5 weeks left of summer and I don't know where it all went. We have already had some awesome adventures and I hope to get my blog up to date with all the pictures soon.  Just bear with me.  In the mean time, I have 5 weeks left of summer with the girls... I don't know what we will do but I bet we will have fun.

'Til the next adventure...